CIM Manager Suite User Guide
October 16, 2023 https://www.ctcsoftware.com Page 20 of 26
Upon clicking Next, the following report will display. Only after clicking OK here will the changes write to the DWG.
Upon initiation of EXPORT DWG LAYERS the following dialog will launch:
The export will provide an Excel file with helpful lists populated for columns. A tab will be created for each drawing
source. If linetypes and plot styles are exported from the .lin and .stb files during the export process they will appear in
this list, in addition to those already loaded into the drawings. Selecting current layer state will export external reference
layer changes, similar to VISRETAIN.
Red error if invalid entry (does
Green denotes updated field
Blue denotes Layer doesn’t exist. If
“Create New Layers” in previous window
was checked, this Layer will be created.
Include current drawing and External
references (includes Current Layer State if
Include additional drawings.
Limit Layers exported by current drawing
Layer Filters, or manually entered text
Total Layers to export.
Update report after making changes to
Excel file and saving.
Export linetypes from .lin files found in
Options > Support file search path.
Shade the Excel cell the color of the Layer.
Export plot styles from the current STB file
to excel. Only applies to STB-based DWGs.